Self Care/Taking Care Of Yourself

September 7th, 2013 by Lesley

After a two year — uh — hiatus, we’re happy to present almost two hours of hot new Fatcast action! (YES, featuring my charming lisp and multitudinous “y’know”s!)

In this episode, Marianne and I discuss how incredibly difficult it can be to take care of yourself, and it’s a little less upbeat than we planned. Subjects covered include “fitnessing,” feeding ourselves, setting boundaries, getting medical care, and developing a personal style. Also we agree that HILLS ARE TERRIBLE.


Risk Management

July 1st, 2011 by Lesley

In this episode, Marianne and I have a philosophical discussion about taking chances and living self-acceptance every single day. If it sounds sort of new-agey and earnest, that’s because it is!

Fatcast Live at Re/Dress NYC! [Raw audio]

May 22nd, 2011 by Lesley

This is the uncut recording from our live Fatcast on May 1. Unfortunately, technical difficulties prevented us getting a high-quality recording, so the sound on this is… not great. It starts off kinda quiet, but once we start using the amplifier setup, it does improve a little bit.

Anyway, our apologies for the lousy sound, but we hope you dig it anyway!

Off the rails

April 27th, 2011 by Lesley

This is a short episode in which Marianne and I discuss our excitement for this weekend’s Fat Girl Fleamarket, and the live Fatcast happening at Re/Dress the Sunday after. We also have a case of the giggles.

I only just realized it now, but today marks one year since we started this thing. HAPPY BIRTHDAY FATCAST!

Links mentioned in this episode:

Fat Girl Fleamarket

Re/Dress NYC

Fatcast LIVE!


Fatcast LIVE in NYC on May 1!

March 23rd, 2011 by Lesley

World-Reknowned Fat Ladies Lesley Kinzel (of and Marianne Kirby (of (Oh my, are they ever fat!) [Little drawing of a whale] are proud to present FATCAST LIVE! Inviting questions from the audience At Re/Dress NYC 109 Boerum Place, Brooklyn Sunday May 1st at 1PM

Marianne and I will be recording Fatcast live before a studio audience on May 1 at Re/Dress NYC! For more info, see the Facebook event page. Hope to see you there!

We like food.

March 20th, 2011 by Lesley

The title says it all, I think.

Miscellaneous Topics

February 1st, 2011 by Lesley

In this episode, Marianne and I are dispensing with the usual “big topic” format and talking about a bunch of random crap, from Tumblr’s capacity for social justice organizing to whether Taco Bell is evil. Do enjoy.


Domino Dollhouse Birthday Bash Dress

Beth Ditto’s upcoming memoir

Taco Bell’s beef woes

Fuck Yeah Ordinary Muslim Guy

Shatner of The Mount

Plus London

The Gold and the Beautiful

The music heard in this episode is by Revolution Void.

Love and Other Indoor Sports, Part Two

December 24th, 2010 by Lesley

Also known as the Sexy Fatcast About Sexy Sexytimes Sex. We answer listener questions in our inimitable way. This is probably our least-worksafe episode ever. You were warned. Seriously, wear headphones. Then it’ll be like we’re shouting filthy things directly into your brain!

The music heard in this episode is by Scott Joplin.

Love and Other Indoor Sports, Part One

December 13th, 2010 by Lesley

Marianne and I like you. Do you like us? Check this box. Alternatively, listen to this episode to hear us wax rhapsodical on dating, and answer some listener questions in regards to same.

And if you get the literary reference in the title? I will totally go on a date with you.

The music heard in this episode is by Scott Joplin.

Going into the closet.

December 8th, 2010 by Lesley

We meant to record a mini-episode about closet organization, we really did. But it got out of hand.

Links mentioned in this episode:

We’ve got a great big convoy!

What are RFIDS?

Chub rub solutions

What are teggings?

Marianne’s shoe inventory

The music heard in this episode is by Dazie Mae.

Spending The Holidays With Your Family

November 23rd, 2010 by Lesley

This is always a good time. Isn’t it? Marianne solicited listener queries on Twitter, and we take a stab at responding to them. Topics include dealing with food policing, diet talk, body checking, and bad gift ideas.

Links mentioned in this episode:


The continuing saga of Privilege-Denying Dude.

The music heard in this episode is by Bit Shifter, “Let it Snow”.

Radicalism & Marie Claire

October 31st, 2010 by Lesley

Last week this thing happened on the Marie Claire website. You may have heard about it. Today we’re discussing that event, as well as the nature and purpose of radical body politics.

Links mentioned in this episode:

The original “Ew, fatties!” blog

Lesley’s 1AM screed on

Lesley’s Marie Claire guestblog

Marianne’s response on The Guardian

The New Museum of Fat Love

Re/Dress NYC (yes, again)

The Adipositivity Project

The music heard in this episode is by Revolution Void.

Guilt & Shame

October 28th, 2010 by Lesley

Does “it” really “get better” on a reliable and progressive basis? Marianne and I are discussing guilt, shame, and bullying.

Links mentioned in this episode:

The “It Gets Better” project

The music heard in this episode is by Wasaru.

Rampant Consumerism!

September 22nd, 2010 by Lesley

We’re tackling #dittowatch, communal shopping, and international fattery, all in one spectacular episode!

Oh, and that fucking zig-zag dress is sold out. For reals.

Links mentioned in this episode:

Real live #dittowatch action

A poignant tweet!

Pocket Rocket’s dressing-room review

Boombands dressing-room review

The Fat Girl Flea Market website seems to be MIA. Here is a Facebook page instead.

Re/Dress NYC, the online companion to the Australian Fat Studies conference

Charlotte Cooper’s Obesity Timebomb (also the Big Bum Jumble)

Fat and the Academy at Smith College (2006)

The impending Australian fatcast!

The music heard in this episode is by NSA.


September 9th, 2010 by Lesley

Food! You need it. No getting around it. But it’s such a loaded subject, rife with guilt and pleasure and morality and… more guilt. In this episode we talk about it.

[NB: We had chronic connection problems during this recording, which is why it’s taken so long to edit and post, but I didn’t want to hold it back any longer trying to fix thing lest folks come after me with pitchforks and torches. I haven’t actually listened to it all the way through so I apologize for any other little surprises therein.]

Links mentioned in this episode:

Michael Pollan’s many books

Perfection Salad

The music heard in this episode is by Alo Django.

Gratuitious Cleavage (The Bra Episode)

August 7th, 2010 by Lesley

Following Lane Bryant’s Twitter dramaz, one of the more common expressions of dismay we’ve both personally felt and heard was, yeah, sure, I hate Lane Bryant, but where the hell else am I going to find affordable and comfy bras? Both bra-shopping and bra-wearing are fraught — FRAUGHT! — with horrors and frustrations. Today we’re talking boobs, and bras, and underthings.


My take on the LB dramaz, on

Marianne’s two posts on the subject, pre-apology and post-apology.

Apparently I neglected to take any notes during this recording, and I can’t remember if there were any other links I promised here. Let me know if so.

The music heard in this episode is by Dazie Mae.

HUGE-ISODE, The Revenge

July 31st, 2010 by Lesley

Are you interested in the last TV show Marianne liked? Well, you’re going to hear about it anyway. In this episode we talk about “Movie Night”, shirtless boys, our difficult relationship with Chloe, and Poppy’s revelation.

This is essentially raw audio, as I’ve been so busy this week that editing has taken a backseat, but I didn’t want to hold back on releasing this any longer.

Links mentioned in this episode:

Paul Dooley’s (AKA Salty Dad) fascinating career

A whale in a bikini

American Gothic, on Hulu



Minisode: Two Tales of Broken Furniture

July 21st, 2010 by Lesley

Awhile back I’d mentioned having a couple hilarious stories about breaking shit, and our listeners were totally into the idea of laughing at these potentially-humiliating experiences. FINALLY THE TALES ARE TOLD.

This is basically raw audio, so enjoy a fatcast that is even less edited than usual.

HUGE-ISODE, The Sequel

July 15th, 2010 by Lesley

So Marianne has started watching Huge, and so now she has thoughts about it, as do I. In this episode, we discuss tennis douchebags, mean girls, Alistair’s yet-to-be-determined sexual orientation, and The Horror of the Vanishing Muffin, all in the context of body politics and social justice. Oh, and if you haven’t seen Dead Poets’ Society and plan to watch it in the near future, you might want to skip this one because Marianne basically spoils the whole movie.

The music heard in this episode is by Revolution Void.

You got your gender in my fat! Part 1

July 13th, 2010 by Lesley

Fatness wreaks havoc with gender, no matter how you identify. This here is part one of a multi-part conversation about fatness and gender identity, and consists mostly of personal anecdotes from Marianne and I speaking as cisgendered laydees.

Links mentioned in this episode:

Homecoming, by Cynthia Voight.

As Nature Made Him, by John Colapinto.

The music heard in this episode is by Alo Django.