Somehow this episode begins with me talking about my cat Rufus. Marianne brought it up. But then we discuss the source material for and the broad array of comment-thread reactions to ABC Family’s new series Huge.

Links mentioned in this episode:

Rufus pretends to be a ninja!

My recap of the first episode of Huge

Kirkus review of Huge, the book (it’s behind a paywall, sorry!)

Big Moves


The music heard in this episode is by NSA.

15 Responses to “THIS PODCAST IS HUGE.”

  1. Ashley Says:

    Can’t wait to listen!

  2. Andrea Says:

    Image of Ari Stidham:
    Just for you funny ladies. Thanks for the awesome podcast. I have really enjoyed eavesdropping on your conversations.

  3. Marianne Says:

    Oh, he’s adorable! Thanks for the image, Andrea!

  4. P G Says:

    My 2ร‚ยข but I think “they” also might be saying it’s demeaning because the actors are being called fat. And that’s still a pretty loaded word to the rest of society.

  5. Holly Says:

    I saw Buffalo Tom last year in Boston. They are still alive and pretty great.

    I also agree that Ian is hot and it makes me feel like sort of a creep.

    And that… is my intelligent contribution.

  6. aquaflame Says:

    There may have been public-transit laughing.
    Possibly more than once.
    That is all.

  7. Holly Says:

    I was so excited to see that “1” next to my podcasts tab on iTunes, because you are the only podcast I subscribe to, haha!

    Just thought I would share the link to the first episode – I don’t have cable and had no idea what you were talking about, but thankfully, ABC Family tends to put all of their shows online. I wanted to see it before resuming the podcast so I could formulate an opinion beforehand.

  8. Holly 2 Says:

    We also have too many chicas named Holly up in here. I[ll be Holly 2 from now on.

  9. Heather Says:

    Didn’t intend to watch “Huge”, but did after reading Lesley’s recap and commentary. I really liked it!

    Two things I’m going to be paying attention to as the show unfolds:

    1. how much attention will the male characters get? will the show be exploring the social meaning and experience of fat guys, or will it just be about the girls? So far it’s definitely a girl show (except for Ian), and I find myself curious about the guys standing around in the background.

    2. how will they develop the “fat as addiction” model that’s set up in the first episode? This camp is basically a substance-abuse treatment center, with “bad food” as the addictive substance.. There’s withdrawal. There’s a zero-tolerance policy. There’s contraband. And there’s a lot of relapsing. I wonder if the show will endorse this idea, or critique it, or even just name it.

  10. Scott Says:

    I literally watch like two TV shows, and it takes serious effort both on my part and on the part of whoever’s trying to get me to watch something else to get me to expand my TV-watching boundaries, but this discussion about Huge absolutely has me pocketed, I have to find it somewhere; unfortunately I doubt there’s any legal way to watch it (yet?) here in Australia, but it sounds like it’s probably worth it.

  11. BrooklynShoeBabe Says:

    I just started reading Huge in response to watching the first episode of the show. I am only 40 pages in and your commentary really pinpointed what about the book was bothering me. Other YA books that I’ve read about being fat had some sympathy for the characters in it, but Huge doesn’t (thus far).

    I love all your podcasts, and I just laugh my ass off on the bus while listening to them. You’re so witty AND opinionated.

  12. meerkat Says:

    Poor ringwormy cat! I have had multiple experiences with ringworm on foster kittens. It is not fun.

  13. Living 400lbs Says:

    On the not-remembering-Gina-Torres’ character thing, let’s just hope she doesn’t have a friend named Katie. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  14. Ritata Says:

    I laughed at this episode. For some reason, I really hate Julia Roberts and Angelina Jolie. I won’t watch a single thing they’re in.

  15. Finally found my exception to the rule « Sedatus Aequora Says:

    […] that would be Huge.ร‚ย  A wonderful TV series loosely based on a truly awful YA novel.ร‚ย  (And yeah, “loosely,” but there’ve been looser adaptations which still counted […]

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